I promised residents that I would fight for clean drinking water, protect groundwater, and seek funding for critical infrastructure projects in each of the 32 towns and cities in District 3 – and I delivered.
“Executive Councilor Stevens was a big help to us when my disabled husband and I were thrust into an eviction due to the owner making upgrades and doubling the rent. We are on a fixed income and are both in our late 60’s. Councilor Stevens sought legal help for us and worked with Southern NH Services to get emergency rental assistance to keep a roof over our heads and find a new apartment – which we did – thanks to her help. She assisted us in getting funding for our first/last month’s rent – which we could not afford – and would have prevented us from getting a new apartment.”
– Pamela S., Hampton, NH.
2022 Summary of Accomplishments for Select Towns in District 3
The impact of inflation and interest rates (having increased for the fifth time this year) – compounded by skyrocketing electric rates and housing costs—are impacting the 266,000 constituents Executive Councilor Stevens represents. Executive Councilor Stevens is collaborating with the New Hampshire Department of Energy, New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority and Southern NH Services – to bring relief and much needed support services to her constituents.
Over the past 16 months, Executive Councilor Stevens supported $62,216,612 million for fuel assistance funding state-wide. Working closely with Southern NH Services, the Community Action Program for Seabrook, and the Department of Energy, while charged with disbursement of fuel assistance funding, she can assist her constituents with accessing these much-needed services. For information on accessing energy services, please visit the following informational page I have put together to help constituents know what energy programs are available: Executive Councilor Janet Stevens District Three – Energy Options
She is also encouraging all constituents to consider applying for a newly announced initiative which will provide a one-time credit of $450 for heating as well as $200 for electric bills. Households with incomes between 60 and recently expanded up to 75% of the state median income could receive $650 in assistance towards their heating and electric bills. See NH Emergency Energy Assistance for details, or contact Southern NH Services/Your Local Community Action Agency to set up an appointment.
Councilor Stevens is a strong advocate of the Emergency Rental Assistance Program, which was launched in March of 2021 in response to unprecedented housing challenges associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. She proudly supported every acceptance and expenditure for the program, and has worked with both the New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority and Southern New Hampshire Services, the Community Action Program for Hampton to expand access to Emergency Rental Assistance and the Homeowner Assistance Program.
To date, 226 Seabrook households have received $2,456,797 so they can remain in their homes through initial ERA funding. The recent Emergency Rental Assistance program (ERA2), will reach more households over a longer period, has also been implemented and will be in effect until 2025.
With inflation at record levels, a shortage of housing units in the State (estimated between 15,000 – 20,000 needed but unavailable homes) in the setting of a 0.5% vacancy rate has resulted in landlords seizing the opportunity to increase rents, putting many District Three residents at risk of losing their homes. There is a clear acceleration of evictions with rent increases (Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies). With more than half of our nation’s senior citizens paying more than 50% of their income for housing. Those 65+ on fixed incomes are most vulnerable.
When a local State Representative asked for assistance with a disabled, elderly couple facing eviction due to the landlord making improvements and increasing rent, Councilor Stevens went to work. She pursued legal advice, informed the couple about the Emergency Rental Assistance program, advised on how to apply to the program, and secured case managers to assist the couple with the difficult task of finding a new apartment and securing funding for their transition.
Executive Councilor Janet Stevens promised residents that she would fight for clean drinking water, protect groundwater, and seek funding for critical infrastructure projects in the 32 towns and cities she represents – and she delivered. In addition, Councilor Stevens has supported and advocated for additional funding for wetland protection (mapping), protection for our rivers and lakes, private well testing and remediation, coastal waters, and dam infrastructure.
She has worked tirelessly to inform municipal leaders and residents of the State regarding Federal Funding Resources, while advising on appropriate use of grant dollars There are a myriad of programs to sustain and protect the integrity of New Hampshire water sources. For example: The American Rescue Plan Act, the PFAS Remediation Loan Fund, the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund and the Clean Water State Revolving Fund are just a few of the programs available.
In American Rescue Plan Act State Fiscal Relief Funds alone, $3,744,200 has been awarded to the Town of Seabrook for improvements. Funds were granted for drinking water system improvements, wastewater infrastructure, and climate resilience.
More than half of New Hampshire residents rely on private, residential wells for home use. Councilor Stevens supported – and has promoted – the availability of $5.5 million to assist residents with wells contaminated with PFAS and owners experiencing irreversible water quantity and quality problems. For residents who have not had their wells tested, there is support through the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) who have announced that the Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Removal Rebate Program for Private Wells is now accepting applications. The program provides rebates to private well users for up to $5,000 for the installation of PFAS treatment or up to $10,000 for a service connection to a public water system.
The Town of Seabrook has received $4,097,774 for much-needed infrastructure improvements for roads, bridges, and active transport – rail trails.
Additionally, the Neil R. Underwood bridge project – which is ranked as the #1 priority on the state’s Red List Bridge index – is scheduled for construction (2023-2025). This project is fully funded at $68,598,052.
As an Executive Councilor, Ms. Stevens serves on the Governor’s Advisory Commission on Intermodal Transportation (GACIT), which is responsible for updating New Hampshire’s Ten-Year Transportation Improvement Plan (TYP) every two years. She has not only participated in GACIT Public Meetings, she has conducted five hearings throughout the district to assess/collect public comments and feedback on the projects and themes of the draft ten-year-plan for 2023-2032.
Executive Councilor Stevens is proud of her record in supporting all New Hampshire residents throughout and before the pandemic. She has supported 100% of ARPA funds requiring acceptance and expenditure by the Council, including every COVID-19 public health request.
In her first year of service, she approved more than $1 billion in contracts. For example, she has supported:
$112 million in funds to stabilize New Hampshire’s child care system by providing necessary program funding and wage enhancements
$31,956,345 for our state’s long term care providers – while working to raise awareness of the increase of adult elder abuse cases in New Hampshire. Read more on the elder abuse crisis here in the NH Union Leader.
$100 million was approved to reduce New Hampshire’s housing crisis. Councilor Stevens worked with Governor Sununu and the New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority in getting approval for InVest NH, which makes $100 million available to accelerate the approval and construction of affordable workforce housing in New Hampshire. It is a new, one-time flexible resource to benefit small and large projects across the state plus the municipalities in which they will be located that will assist builders with the completion of housing projects which are at risk of failing completion thanks to record inflation.
2022 Accomplishments
Executive Councilor Stevens has worked tirelessly to inform municipal leaders and residents of State and Federal funding sources while advising on appropriate use of grant dollars. There are a myriad of programs to sustain and protect the integrity of New Hampshire water sources. The American Rescue Plan Act, PFAS Remediation Loan Fund, Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, and the Clean Water State Revolving Fund are just a few of the programs available.
In American Rescue Plan Act State Fiscal Relief Funds alone – $23,980,000 has been awarded to the Town of Hampton. Funds were granted for drinking water infrastructure, wastewater infrastructure, copper sampling and PFAS treatment at the Mill Road well field.
In addition, Councilor Stevens has supported and advocated for additional funding for wetland protection (mapping), protection for our rivers and lakes, private well testing and remediation, and coastal waters and dam infrastructure improvements.
Councilor Stevens is an advocate of the Emergency Rental Assistance Program, launched in March of 2021, in response to unprecedented housing challenges associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. She proudly supported every acceptance and expenditure for the program and has worked with both the New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority, Southern New Hampshire Services, and the Community Action Program for Hampton to expand access to Emergency Rental Assistance and the Home Owner Assistance Program.
To date 230 Hampton households have received $2,764,156.00 so they can remain in their homes through initial ERA funding. The recent Emergency Rental Assistance program (ERA2m) also being implemented, will reach more households over a longer period, effective until 2025.
With inflation at record levels, a shortage of housing units (estimated between 15000 – 20000 in New Hampshire) in the setting of a 0.5% vacancy rate, landlords are seizing the opportunity to increase rents, putting many District Three residents at risk of losing their homes. There is a clear acceleration of evictions with rent increases (Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies). With more than half of our nation’s senior citizens paying more than 50% of their income for housing, those aged 65+ living on fixed incomes are the most vulnerable.
When a State Representative in Hampton asked for assistance with a disabled, elderly couple facing eviction due to the landlord making improvements and increasing rent, Janet went to work. She pursued legal advice, informed the couple about the Emergency Rental Assistance program, advised on how to apply, and secured case managers to assist the couple with the difficult task of finding a new apartment while securing funding for their transition.
The Town of Hampton has been awarded $34,994,942 for much-needed infrastructure improvements for roads, bridges, and active transport – rail trails.
Major projects for Hampton include Ocean Blvd. improvements (part of the Hampton Beach Commission’s Master Plan), replacement of a red list bridge on Route One, improvements to Winnacunnet Road, and expansion construction of Hampton’s portion of the 17-mile New Hampshire Seacoast Greenway.
Additionally, the Neil R. Underwood bridge project – which is ranked as the #1 priority on the state’s Red List Bridge index – is scheduled for construction (2023-2025). This project is fully funded at $68,598,052.
As an Executive Councilor, Councilor Stevens serves on the Governor’s Advisory Commission on Intermodal Transportation (GACIT), which is responsible for updating New Hampshire’s Ten-Year Transportation Improvement Plan (TYP) every two years. To assess/collect public comments and feedback on the projects and themes of the draft TYP for 2023-2032, she participated in GACIT Public Meetings, and conducted five hearings throughout the district – including Hampton.
More than 80 residents turned out for the Public Hearing in Hampton to review recommendations of the Rockingham County Regional Planning Commission and have their voices heard on issues ranging from Phase III of the East Coast Greenway to Ocean Blvd. Project to the deteriorating state of Winnacunnet Road.
The Town of Hampton and local businesses have received $2.5 million in the most recent round of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) State Fiscal Recovery Funds (SFRF.)
Funds have been awarded for emergency response equipment, assistance for Hampton restaurants, career training in the trades, and additional police coverage during the Summer months.
The federal relief program which preceded the ARPA program – Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES) was launched at the outset of the pandemic. New Hampshire established 32 silos of funding, which are now closed, and awarded $14.7 million for Hampton based First Responder (stipends,) non-profits, veterans organizations, healthcare providers, and childcare providers.
Executive Councilor Stevens is proud of her record in supporting all New Hampshire residents throughout and before the pandemic. She has supported 100% of ARPA funds requiring acceptance and expenditure by the Council, including every COVID-19 public health request. In her first year of service, she approved more than $1 billion in contracts.
For example, she has supported –
$112 million to stabilize New Hampshire’s child care system – with program funding and wage enhancements.
$56,743,686 for fuel assistance funding over the past 16 months. She will support an additional $5,467,926.00 on 9/21/22.
$31,956,345 for our state’s long term care providers – while raising awareness on the increase of adult elder abuse in New Hampshire. Union Leader
$100 million to reduce New Hampshire’s housing crisis. Worked with Governor Sununu and the New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority in getting approval for InVest NH, which will assist builders with the completion of housing projects which are at risk of failing completion – due to record inflation.
Water and Infrastructure Projects
Safety and Education
Federal Relief Aid
Overall Service
Executive Councilor Janet Stevens promised residents that she would fight for clean drinking water, in the 32 towns and cities she represents – and she delivered. In addition, Councilor Stevens has supported and advocated for additional funding for protecting wetlands, rivers and lakes, coastal waters, and dam infrastructure. In addition, she has advocated for private well testing and remediation.
She has worked with municipal leaders and residents of State and Federal funding sources, advising on appropriate use of grant dollars. There are a myriad of programs to sustain and protect the integrity of New Hampshire water sources including the American Rescue Plan Act, PFAS Remediation Loan Fund, Drinking Water State Revolving Fund and Clean Water State Revolving Fund.
In American Rescue Plan Act and Drinking Water & Groundwater Trust Funds, $737,000 for improvements has been awarded to the Town of Rye for improving public water and stormwater systems and additional funding for the Wallis Road Main Replacement.
More than half of New Hampshire residents rely on private, residential wells for home use. Councilor Stevens supported and has promoted $5.5 million to assist residents with wells contaminated with PFAS and owners experiencing irreversible water quantity and quality problems (For residents who have not had their wells tested, there is support through the NH Department of Environmental Services Southern NH PFOA Investigation Private Well-Testing Request Form Survey. For information on the Water Well Rebate program please see the NH DES Water Well Rebate Page.
The Town of Rye has received $2,261,037 for much-needed infrastructure improvements including a stone walled, concrete culvert replacement and Transportation Alternative Program funds, which will improve safety on Washington Road through a sidewalk, shoulder expansion, bike lane and crosswalk from the Rye Junior High to the town’s Public Library.
As an Executive Councilor, Councilor Stevens serves on the Governor’s Advisory Commission on Intermodal Transportation (GACIT), which is responsible for updating New Hampshire’s Ten-Year Transportation Improvement Plan (TYP) every two years. To assess/collect public comments and feedback on the projects and themes of the draft TYP for 2023-2032, she participated in GACIT Public Meetings, and conducted five hearings throughout the district.
District Three has 63 separate road, bridge, active transportation, and airport improvement projects in the TYP which are fully funded at $766 million dollars including the approval of $418 million by the Executive Council on December 8, 2021 and $121 million in debt service for the benefits of the I-93 expansion projects.
Safety & Education
At the June 1, 2022, Executive Council meeting Councilor Stevens raised concerns on the balance of the School Infrastructure Fund, which was initially funded at $30 million yet following demand in enhancing safety at schools throughout the state, the fund balance dropped to $3 million. Councilor Stevens urged the Commissioners of Education and Public Safety to prioritize school safety and requested a follow-up resulting in an additional $10 million to the School Infrastructure Fund, which allows public and private schools to access funding for three security strategies: surveillance, access control and emergency alerting. A total of $143,000 was awarded to Rye schools for safety improvements, which was the second-highest disbursement for District Three.
Executive Councilor Stevens proudly supported all Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds I, II, III (phase 1 and 2) and Supplemental Public School Response Fund (SPRF) which delivered a total of $244,707 for Rye Schools. Both the ESSER and SPRF funds were made available to assist schools remain operational while covering unanticipated costs with safe opening and operations during the COVID-19 pandemic.
State-wide, Executive Councilor Stevens has supported families and the youngest of learners in gaining access to safe, nurturing childcare, advocating for $112 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding to stabilize New Hampshire’s child care sector. More than 87% of these funds went directly to child care programs to remain operational during the pandemic, strengthen the child care workforce while increase access to affordable child care.
Relief Aid
Under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) the Town of Rye received $572,652 in Local Fiscal Recovery funds, which were disbursed in two tranches, to meet pandemic response funds.
During the State of Emergency, the Governor’s Office Emergency Relief and Recovery allocated more than $5.7 million dollars to more than 100 Rye-based public and private entities and nonprofits through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) ACT. First Responder stipends, Seacoast Science Center, childcare providers, healthcare providers, long term care facilities and small businesses received funding to assist with the challenges of the pandemic.
Overall Service
Executive Councilor Stevens is proud of her record in supporting all New Hampshire residents throughout and before the pandemic. She has supported 100% of ARPA funds requiring acceptance and expenditure by the Council, including every COVID-19 public health request. In her first year of service, she approved more than $1 billion in contracts.
She has advocated for:
$112 million in funds to stabilize New Hampshire’s child care system by providing necessary program funding and wage enhancements
$62 million for fuel assistance programs.
$440,273,544 for Behavioral Health, which includes funding for substance use disorder treatment.
$31,956,345 for our state’s long term care providers – while working to raise awareness of the increase of adult elder abuse cases in New Hampshire. Read more on the elder abuse crisis here in the NH Union Leader.
$100 million was approved to reduce New Hampshire’s housing crisis. Councilor Stevens worked with Governor Sununu and the New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority in getting approval for InVest NH, which makes $100 million available to accelerate the approval and construction of affordable workforce housing in New Hampshire. It is a new, one-time flexible resource to benefit small and large projects across the state plus the municipalities in which they will be located that will assist builders with the completion of housing projects which are at risk of failing completion thanks to record inflation.
Executive Councilor Stevens is a fierce advocate for Long Term Care Facilities. She secured strike team services and $80,000 in American Rescue Plan Act funding
“We appreciate your taking the time to visit our Facility and to truly understand the challenges we face in day-to-day operations managing Covid-19. The information you’ve provided about resources available from the State has been most helpful. From our meeting, I believe you understand that we have a long road to recovery and that continued financial support will be essential. We look forward to a public-private sector partnership that will be essential in addressing the statewide workforce crisis.”
Thanks from the Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence for adopting funding measures to combat domestic violence, sexual assault & abuse and human trafficking in NH
Thanks from the Town of Kingston, NH for helping to assist with obtaining a Homeland Security Grant for the Town’s Fire Station Emergency Operations Center.
Assisting with Affordable Housing for Seniors
“Councilor Stevens was there during my family’s time of need. When a family member sustained a terrible personal loss and the ability to stay in her home was becoming increasingly difficult – Councilor Stevens responded to my request and went to work. Not only was she aware of a multitude of senior housing supports, she explained the process for applying and connected us with several agencies where funding was available.
Councilor Stevens is the kind of person that you want to go to when urgent help is needed. Many politicians talk a good story, but do nothing. Janet acts and gets things done. For all the help she has given my family during this crisis we will be forever grateful.”

Successfully secured funding for Afghan allies settling in New Hampshire
“Councilor Janet Stevens led the effort to secure state funding to support newly arrived Afghans now settling in New Hampshire. The men, women, and families who are arriving were evacuated by U.S. forces in August of 2021, and the state’s two resettlement providers, Ascentria Care Alliance and the International Institute of New England (IINE) are receiving and placing Afghans in homes and apartments in local communities. Councilor Stevens led a bipartisan effort to secure state funding to support housing coordinators in each agency who will find housing for Afghan arrivals and staff in the agencies to complete rental assistance applications for these new arrivals. The funding also supports translation services.
We cannot thank Councilor Stevens enough for her leadership. She researched what we needed, got unanimous and bipartisan support on the Executive Council, and even took the time to meet one of our Afghan clients. She kindly offered to help him as he and others from Afghanistan begin new lives in New Hampshire. Councilor Stevens is very appreciative for what the Afghans did to support our troops, and she sets an example of leadership on this issue for other elected officials in the state.”