New Hampshire

Executive Councilor for District 3

Are you a constituent looking for assistance or information on an issue? Please fill out the contact form by clicking the button below and let me know how I can help! 



Stevens Fighting Against Exeter Hospital Service Elimination 

To rip-cord care when you're making progress, when you have a relationship with a provider – to have it terminated so quickly, it's unconscionable.

Get the Full Story on NHPR

Union Leader Janet Stevens Exeter Hospital

I've also released a full newsletter and corresponding press release dedicated to the Exeter Hospital situation along with links to news articles in WMUR, Union Leader, InDepthNH and more. 

Stevens’ Speaks Traffic at Brentwood Select Board DOT Presentation

Stevens’ Speaks of Efforts to Stop Elder Abuse in New Hampshire


Sale of NH's Allan State Forest Questioned by Councilor Stevens. 

"Executive Councilor Janet Stevens, R-Rye, charged the process was too secretive and said it failed to consider the views of others in the conservation field." - NH Union Leader


More on Allan State Forest Sale - Concord Monitor 

Citing transparency with the process, Executive Councilor Janet Stevens objected and was one of two votes on the five-member council against the sale.

I’m not seeing a checklist for the hierarchy or proceeding on how you would contact potential buyers,” Stevens said. “It’s very nebulous."

"...the sale failed on two fronts – preserving land and the fiduciary responsibility of the state."

Thanks to Councilor Janet Stevens for Supporting the Local Fishing Industry

Portsmouth Herald, May 16, 2024

Janet Stevens Supports Local Fishermen Portsmouth Herald NH

Derry Gets $1.8Mil for Drinking Water Infrastructure Improvements

Stevens: "Funding will allow the association to interconnect with the town of Derry water system."

Stevens’ Supports Plaistow Grant Acquisition for $1MM Fire Truck

"A huge thank you to Executive Councilor Janet L. Stevens for supporting and approving our grant funding request for this project. At almost $1-million dollars, this opportunity will save our taxpayers a tremendous amount of money along with equiping our department with the dependable resources needed to save lives and property. This project will also improve the vehicle emissions which will have a positive impact on the overall health of our staff and the environment."

Stevens’ Fiduciary Oversight  - Unprecedented.

“Councilor - your husband represented the felon when he attempted to modify his parole status! You need to recuse yourself."

Stevens not only flagged a gratis land easement to a convicted drug kingpin - she reminded an Executive Councilor who attempted to support the transfer - that she needed to recuse herself.  “Councilor - your husband represented the felon when he attempted to modify his parole status!  You need to recuse yourself.

Stevens: Seabrook Power Plant Siren Malfunction "was truly a security risk in the fear that it created."

Human Error led to triggering of Seabrook Power Station False Alarm

"Within the span of roughly more than an hour, there was a lot of chaos, confusion and fear along the Seacoast," said Stevens.

Councilor Stevens Visits Hampstead Hospital Following Reports of Multiple Assaults on Staff

Concord Monitor Logo

Concord Monitor: State Steps in After Problems with Mail Prescriptions for Retirees

concord monitor anthem
WMUR Janet Stevens Anthem

WMUR: New Hampshire Councilors Sound Alarm Over Prescription Drug Delays for State Retirees

WFEA Janet Stevens Interview Housing

Executive Councilor Stevens is outraged at problems with Anthem’s processing of prescription drug orders for state retirees. 

Executive Councilor Fighting for 11,000 NH State Retirees Denied Timely Access to Prescriptions by Mail Order Prescription Vendor

Councilor Stevens was the sole Executive Councilor in July 2023 to speak in opposition to $68 million Medicare Advantage contract.

Executive Councilor Demands Accountability in Blood Lead Screenings for NH Children

Stevens takes the lead on Executive Council supporting $500,000 to study incidence of kidney cancer in Merrimack - 42% higher than expected.  Asks for future bio monitoring of impacted residents.

Executive Councilor Stevens Calls for Enhanced Security at NH Hospital, Salary/Wage Adjustments for Providers - and Delivers. 

Executive Councilor Stevens ask Congressional Delegation for Help with Stalled Bridge Projects

Sununu and Stevens are asking the congressional delegation to look for ways to make the permitting process smoother.

Gov. Sununu and Executive Councilor Stevens Press Reps for Action on Seacoast Bridge Delays

Sununu and Stevens in a letter to the all-Democratic congressional delegation:

“It is incumbent on our federal partners to be timely and efficient in helping to deliver these needed infrastructure projects and to fulfill on the promises of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA).”

Executive Councilor Talks Housing on WFEA

In this broadcast, Janet addresses the housing shortage in NH citing a critical supply shortage that is slowing down apartment construction in New Hampshire. Click below to listen! 

WFEA Janet Stevens Interview Housing

Executive Councilor Stevens Seeks Accountability From Anthem.

(Press Release)

Press Release Janet Stevens August 2023

Executive Councilor Stevens Speaks to Workforce Housing (Press Release)

Press Release Janet Stevens August 2023

Executive Councilor Stevens Talks Workforce Housing in Carriage Town News

"Builders are facing critical challenges with multi-unit workforce housing projects, particularly those backed by substantial funds like the $100 million dollar Invest NH Housing program. These projects, financed by the Federal American Rescue Plan Act or Low-Income Housing Tax Credits through the NH Housing Finance Authority, have come to a halt due to incomplete electrical switch gear orders. Consequently, this has significantly increased the financial risks for builders."

carriage town 8-8

Executive Janet Stevens Speaks About NH Mental Health Successes on WFEA Morning Update

Executive Councilor Janet Stevens talks about a 15 million dollar grant the Executive Council recently approved which will be used to help address the state’s on-going mental health crisis. Click on the image below to listen! 

Executive Councilor Janet Stevens Advocates For New Castle 1B Causeway

Councilor Stevens: "...Causeway closures could potentially reduce or server access to emergency services and compromise the safety of New Castle residents – this is an infrastructure priority."

Executive Councilor Stevens Takes the Lead on Enforcement & Infrastructure Improvements on Rt 125

Police increase patrols along Route 125 corridor to try to reduce crashes. Thousands of crashes reported on 50-mile stretch over the past decade.

Councilor Stevens: "It's alarming, sixteen hundred of those (crashes) were within a recent two-year span....A Road Safety Audit is first step for Infrastructure Improvements - prioritized for Route 125"

Free Radon Air Test Kits Available to New Hampshire Residents

Councilor Stevens: "You may not know that you are living in an area of high probability for elevated uranium or radon in your well water." 

New Hampshire Seniors Seeking Homeless Shelters on the Rise

Homelessness advocates say price hikes forcing seniors living on fixed income out of their homes

Stevens Pushes for Increased Mental Health Services in NH

"During the March 22, 2023, Executive Council meeting, Executive Councilor Janet Stevens proposed a motion to award a $15 million grant from American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding to support the construction of a new 120-bed inpatient facility in New Hampshire."

 Annual Report Now Available!

This Annual Report from Janet Stevens outlines the accomplishments and activities of the Executive Council, in particular those items that fund District 3. Please click below for the PDF report complied from our office, or keep reading to see the online version.

New Workforce Housing Project in Salem

Rockingham County is ground zero for our state's housing crisis. We know our vacancy rate is at .6%, so having 74 more units of housing is critical.

Janet Stevens: Isolation and loneliness are fertile ground for elder abuse

Janet Stevens Union Leader Elder Abuse

Recent News (PDF)

Details on the InvestNH program - $100MM investment in affordable housing.

See the details in this PDF document available for download. 

Recent News (Audio)

Executive Councilor Stevens was the only Councilor to consistently support $100 million for workforce housing.

Listen to Councilor Stevens' Testimony at May 5, 2022 Executive Council Meeting

Construction costs for 2020-2021 increased by 17.5% which is the largest price spike in 50 years. Market fluctuations for labor and material costs have driven up real estate costs significant. The volatility in building costs is anticipated to continue throughout 2022. We need to get workforce housing across the finish line!

Recent News:
Janet Speaks on NH Today about Governor Sununu’s Housing Plan. 


Click Here to Listen!

by Chris Ryan interviews Janet Stevens | WGIR AM

Appreciation for District Three Constituent Services

Executive Councilor Stevens is a fierce advocate for Long Term Care Facilities.  She secured strike team services and $80,000 in American Rescue Plan Act funding

“We appreciate your taking the time to visit our Facility and to truly understand the challenges we face in day-to-day operations managing Covid-19. The information you’ve provided about resources available from the State has been most helpful. From our meeting, I believe you understand that we have a long road to recovery and that continued financial support will be essential. We look forward to a public-private sector partnership that will be essential in addressing the statewide workforce crisis.” 

Patricia Ramsy

Edgewood Centre Nursing Home, Portsmouth

Executive Councilor Stevens receives kudos from a constituent.

I wanted to express my gratitude for your assistance in helping me with my application progress for The Emergency Rental Assistance Program. I appreciate your kindness and taking the time to intervene on my behalf by contacting ERAP, in which I quickly received notification from a case manager that my application has been approved and that my landlord would be receiving payment.

Thank you so much for going above and beyond, the people here in New Hampshire are truly lucky to have you represent us. I appreciate all the work that you are doing to make New Hampshire a great State to live in."

Linda Severs-Dreher


Executive Councilor Stevens assists a Salem housing community. 

"I am writing for the board of Friendship Drive Cooperative, a resident-owned manufactured housing park in Salem.  Last month we were told by a city inspector that an on-going electrical issue might lead the town to send the residents of the park notices saying all (44) households would be having their electricity shut down, which would mean they would have to leave their homes and not be able to move back in until the concerns were resolved.  This was particularly scary because the supply-chain issues holding up the project are still a factor.

Knowing that this would have disastrous long-term consequences for the people who live here, we called a number of officials and people connected with the project for help.  You were one of the first to respond to us and made a number of calls on our behalf.  For this we are very grateful.

As it turned out, the city was already aware of the project and agreed that we could stay in our homes throughout the unavoidable delays.  The key players from the town, our funders, and the ROC-NH team that provides technical assistance to the cooperative are now working closely with us to bring the project to a swifter close.

Thank you again for your assistance in this crisis."

Pamela Rothgaber

President, Friendship Drive Cooperative, Salem, NH

Successfully secured funding for Afghan allies settling in New Hampshire

“Councilor Janet Stevens led the effort to secure state funding to support newly arrived Afghans now settling in New Hampshire. The men, women, and families who are arriving were evacuated by U.S. forces in August of 2021, and the state’s two resettlement providers, Ascentria Care Alliance and the International Institute of New England (IINE) are receiving and placing Afghans in homes and apartments in local communities. Councilor Stevens led a bipartisan effort to secure state funding to support housing coordinators in each agency who will find housing for Afghan arrivals and staff in the agencies to complete rental assistance applications for these new arrivals. The funding also supports translation services. 

We cannot thank Councilor Stevens enough for her leadership. She researched what we needed, got unanimous and bipartisan support on the Executive Council, and even took the time to meet one of our Afghan clients. She kindly offered to help him as he and others from Afghanistan begin new lives in New Hampshire. Councilor Stevens is very appreciative for what the Afghans did to support our troops, and she sets an example of leadership on this issue for other elected officials in the state.”

Jeffrey Theilman

International Institute of New England, Manchester